Monday, November 23, 2009
My Multiple Personalities
Monday, November 9, 2009
On Dating Duty.
Various friends of mine show the symptoms, “I don’t understand guys/girls these days…well, I mean, I can’t really because there aren’t any my age. Every Sabbath I come and sit in these pews and just stare at the couples, but mostly the white hairs, or the sullen gleam from lack of hairs. I’m getting old too. In approximately 40+ years I will be just like them. What am I going to do…? Time is running out! Wait, whoa, is that a new guy/girl? He/She’s ALONE! And he/she’s seems to be fairly alert, relatively mobile, and even breathing…I gotta check them, I mean, this out…”
I’m not exactly exaggerating. Really. I wish I was. But here we are. I just can’t figure out the mentality of, “if I appear desperate enough, I’ll be sure to find someone.” Yes, you will, though perhaps not someone who’s quite ideal; “Let me wave my neediness like a banner so as to attract all possible takers, namely those just as codependently hungry as me, aka the vultures.” While it is true that these birds of prey do commonly feed on carrion, there is no reason to place yourself so self-deprecatingly in this category just yet—I promise. Please believe me…
Despite catch-phrases like “wife-hunter” and “theology major” sending chills down all female spines the first couple years of college, these same shivering ladies will be flocking and flogging each other trying to be first in line in a few years time, after several Sabbaths alone and single in their solitary career worlds. It’s too late… Around this point, it is apparently definitely time to begin actively searching for any and all divorcees, older individuals, and if necessary, ex-cons.
It is true that women do not age well. I asked my mother at what age does it all slide irretrievably downhill. She paused and looked surprised at my question, and somewhat offended, “And you’re asking me this why? Because I know?”
“No, no! Just out of curiosity, I want to know how to mentally prepare myself.”
“Honey, you don’t need to worry about this. There isn’t an age.” Mom, yes there is.
Friday, October 16, 2009
Rain, rain, go away...Stuck.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Somebody's Watching Me.
Part I: Somebody’s Watching Me
This song was originally performed by Rockwell and Michael Jackson, and recently revived by Mysto and Pizzi for the Geico commercial. Think little stack of money with goggle eyes observing from obscure locations. Listen to it.
I'm just an average man with an average life,
I work from nine to five, and hey I pay the price.
All I want is to be left alone in my average home,
But why do I always feel like I'm in the twilight zone?
I always feel like somebody's watching me
And I have no privacy.
I always feel like somebody's watching me;
Tell me, is it just a dream?
When I come home at night,
I bolt the door real tight.
People call me on the phone, I'm trying to avoid.
But can the people on T.V. see me or am I just paranoid?
When I'm in the shower I'm afraid to wash my hair,
Cause I might open my eyes and find someone standing there.
People say I'm crazy, just a little touched.
But maybe showers remind me of Psycho too much…
I always feel like somebody's watching me
And I have no privacy.
I always feel like somebody's watching me;
Tell me, is it just a dream?
I don't know anymore
Are the neighbors watching me?
Well is the mailman watching me?
And I don't feel safe anymore, oh what a mess
I wonder who's watching me now—the IRS?
I always feel like somebody's watching me…
But you know what? I do often feel like someone’s watching me so at the same time, the familiarity of this song’s sentiments totally weirds me out.
at the grocery store,
“…oh wow, look at those tabloids—my gosh, Oprah’s weight really fluctuates—and gum and overpriced drinks…and oh my—why is that guy with the scraggly moustache on his face in the other check-line staring at me?”
at the gas station,
“…how are gas prices now compared to diesel? Why is diesel more expensive than gas these days, used to be cheaper…why do I care? And why is the lady in the SUV staring at me from across the island without wavering right now? Is there something stuck to my face? Is she telepathically helping me solve the diesel conundrum?”
“…this head wind is really annoying, that’s why I’m running so slow and feel like I’m about to die…wouldn’t that be funny if I tripped and fell on my face—everyone would look…but apparently someone's already anticipated the opportunity, cause that guy driving by is staring at me and hasn’t looked away for the last 6 seconds. May he crash into the scratchy bushes in the median…”
“…let’s see, what am I in the mood for…drama? Comedy? Documentary? many academy awards did this one get? Um...why is that lady across the aisle staring at me through the wire shelving where this movie just sat…I’m going to put it back slowly and cover her face…”
It’s at the point of realizing that someone has in fact been staring at you, eerily confirming your niggling premonition, that you start to inwardly, quietly, and privately freak out.
Part III: Now we’re watching each other.
IV: SOMEONE will always be watching.
But here’s another flash of inspiration, there’s an ultimate Stalker out there. Remember the last lines of the song? The IRS…the government. Big brother is watching. He is. And we know it, although we prefer not to think on that one too much at all.
Part IV: Still watching.
Part V: No matter who’s watching.